Pierpaolo Perri

I am passionate about things I can get lost in. I used to be a musician. I started playing the piano since I was a 10 year old kid and I remember my dad taking pictures of us with his Ricoh camera at that time. I start using my dad's camera in the same period. I grew up with music and photography and I was sure that my life would be in music somehow. I played bass guitar with my bands all over Italy. Then I met a photographer who was taking pictures at one of our concerts in Naples and I started working for him as an assistant. I discovered that I could express myself through photography as I was doing with music. I really believed that my life would be in the music industry in some way. Unlike many other photographer I have to be really honest! I don't like to travel a lot. I mean I don't really like infinite queues at airports, I don't like to stay packed in small spaces and I don't like to do things with hurry. In general I don't like all the big transportation. But I really enjoy that peculiar local transportation as the rental scooters in Pantelleria or riding donkeys in Santorini (that by the way nowadays is prohibited and I totally agree with that), the ferries in Lofoten Island in Norway or also taxi boat in Positano. My life has been really complicated especially in the last few years. It made me a stronger person and I found my balance thanks to my work and now I'm really aware of who I am and what I can give to the people I meet along my way. I am a father, I get emotional when I see newborns. I get chills when I listen to someone who sings with passion. I loose myself when I take pictures as when I play music. Now I play my camera.


  • 4 Awards quest'anno
  • 6 Awards a vita



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