Luca Gallizio

Hello! Im Luca Gallizio, Italian wedding photographer. Our studio is called Luca+Marta Gallizio Photography. I started photographing at the age of twelve years old, and immediatly i realized that photography was for me something i could never do without. My course of study was marked by everything related photography, i learned to pay attention at the composition and at the delicate balance between light and shadows. My professional carreer started in the advertising photography, but soon i understood that was not my perfect disposition. Then i discovered wedding photography as my real passion. The thing i love most in the wedding day is the challenge to capture great images in such a difficult scenario, where you can't think too much, you have to manage a lot of different lights and many different type of photography in the same time. My goal? Is simple... just make great and stunning images, that trascend the classic wedding photography, and trasmint the personal and intimate soul of my clients.


  • 11 Awards quest'anno
  • 42 Awards a vita



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Gallizio Wedding Photography


Trentino-Alto Adige

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I 10 migliori fotografi di matrimoni del 2024

Masters of Wedding Photography

I 10 migliori fotografi di matrimoni del 2024

Sono di nuovo conosciuti, i migliori fotografi di matrimonio d’Italia nel 2024….

I 10 migliori fotografi di matrimoni del 2023

Masters of Wedding Photography

I 10 migliori fotografi di matrimoni del 2023

Sono di nuovo conosciuti, i migliori fotografi di matrimonio d’Italia nel 2023….

I 10 migliori fotografi di matrimoni del 2020

Masters of Wedding Photography

I 10 migliori fotografi di matrimoni del 2020

Congratulazioni a tutti i fotografi che sono entrati tra i primi 10 quest’anno al Masters of Wedding Photography.

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